17 June 2005
This week the greatest show on earth
was the announcement of the verdict on Michael Jackson child molestation charges.
I desperately wanted him to be both acquited and proven innocent but was he in fact, Bad?
The case was far from black and white. He may not have been guilty of the more serious molestation charges, but what he certainly did was moonwalk backwards into a bedroom full of pornography, hand over 'jesus juice' to minors and say "don't stop till you get enough" before grabbing his crotch making his high growly sound and pointing into the air.
The trouble is, in my mind's eye he's still to some extent this guy -

- innocent, talented, cute as a button and devoutly sane.
But as someone once said to George Best - Where did it all go Wrong?
Certainly, "The Wiz" and Captain EO were mistakes and singing a love song to a rat would certainly have Barbara Walters screwing up those judging eyebrows of hers. But we have to look to more recent times to see things spinning wildly out of control.
TIMELINE OF DECLINE - moonwalk>bubbles>oxygen tent>nose falls off>dangling infant syndrome>court case

The trouble is, Jackson is, and has always been, surrounded by people who regard everything he does as nothing short of miraculous. His laundry detail probably claps when he makes skid marks on his undies.
He IS in Neverland. He is NEVER wrong and is NEVER told he has gone too far.
If I were his friend, when he said to me -
"Jimi, I'm going to get more plastic surgery to make my nose the size of a pea"
I would say -
"A zucchini will do, Mike"
But no one ever says "A Zuchini will do" to Michael Joe Jackson do they?
Regarding his surgery Jackson has recently said that he has only ever had two plastic surgery procedures in his life. Both on his nose. At almost the same time a pig coasted in for a landing at LA International airport.
Unfortunately the face and image is now a large part of the problem.
"He looks like a freak show, he must be guilty!"
Jackson's changing face seems to reflect the journey within; from innocence to depravity and poor record sales...
The man in the mirror is now a more frightening apparition than the character he played in the thriller video ever was.
Still, as I watch his convoy arrive at court, I find myself yelling "Beat it!" at the screen...
I certainly don't want Michael Jackson to join my growing list of fallen heros.
Gary Glitter, for instance, jailed in the '90's for possesion of child pornography.
His album "Glitter" was the first record I ever brought and when I was young. I really liked him. As it turns out, he would have probably liked me as well.
Captain beefheart fiddles with lamas at zoo.
John Pilger admits he wears Nikes and drives a Hummer.
Colin Meads Gay Shock!
After the verdict is announced a 53 year old clown outside the court picks up a white balloon, inhales it's contents, and sings "I'll be there" in a high voice. The Micheal Jackson impersonator next standing next to him grabs his crotch. A fight ensues. The thing is this is the last thing Jackson needs (Who does need it?).
Michael has had a nasty encounter with the one thing often missing from his life - reality. He needs to hang round with Austrians. His family needs to tell him when his behavior is inappropriate.
"I'm building a theme park in my trousers"
"No, Michael!"
He needs to be shown that one of the things a family require from a family member is an operational face. Then he might get back on track and moon walk his way back into our he
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