Saturday, December 17, 2005

Hypocritic Oaths

21st October | 2005

Hypocritic Oaths

It makes me very sad and sickened to see that great good hearted christian institution ‘The Maxim Institute’ under attack from the left wing media. The people who run this place are lovely people not a mean spirited feeling among them. But they have been so busy turning their other cheeks, someone has forgotten to check whether one of their dispatches was correct or was in fact written by them. Who cares about little things like that? “the truth” etc.
Thats just nit picking.
The main thing is they were not politically correct and were aimed to stop the relentless destruction of our society by the atheist lesbian rebel alliance. Remember, they are just words placed in the same order as some other words- for gods sake. And God will know that their institutes intentions are very christian; The destruction of the left wing conspiracy, especially BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS (Feel free to spit on the ground when you say that phrase), running around worrying about the poor and needy. Awful people caring about everyone else.

What do the institute say they want? Well, they want a country built on strong families caring for one another and for their communities. I am not too sure anyone will disagree with that. I also note from their website that they support hate speech. Excellent. Someone has to stand up for the bigoted and hateful. So perhaps what sets them apart from everyone else who wants strong families, is that they want strong families who retain the ability to speak hatefully about each other. Onward christian soldiers.

I heard a lovely maxim chap on the radio yesterday.

Greg Fleming. Seen here imitating someone from American Graffiti.

He said “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” and went on to inform us that, and this will be of bit of surprise to a lot of the press, most of them plagiarise their articles. Wow! He said all of the journalists he spoke to were relieved it wasn't their work under scrutiny. Which means, I would speculate, that he mostly speaks to the wrong journalists. I also wonder, if most of the journalists are plagiarising their stuff, who actually writes the original work.
He also pointed out that the man who preceded him on the radio was “a journalist informed by his own prejudices and biases. He is an activist with an agenda”.
As he said that, radio host Eva was forced to dodge flying stones and listeners were deafened by the sound of breaking glass.

Today he was on the air again, attacking the woman who brought the plagariasm to the attention of the Press. She made an excellent liberal leftie target being someone with a job rehabilitating crippled horses who was working on a childrens book. Greg got stuck right in, exposing her bleeding heart for all to see.

I expect that many people who are inclined towards the left but with a strong interest in the environment, like myself, are pissed off with the make up of the new government. But I think in the long run it may work out alright, especially for the green party.
The wanton play for power demonstrated here by all involved has to lead to some crap sticking to the participants. Winston Peters looks fairly uncomfortable and very defensive currently and in interviews, lacks that sense of unbridled righteousness he has had while in opposition, when he has nothing to lose. All this “I’m not in the government, check the wording of the agreement!” is just that, WORDING. it’s semantics. He hasn’t done what he said he would, before the election, according to any reasonable interpretation of his Rotorua speech.

He should have said “New Zealand first won't go into coalition with anyone who cant mangle constitutional law to allow it. Which may or may not occur in or outside ”the tent” or perhaps in a lean to. We will not be seduced by the baubles of power unless the power lusting government can allow me and my ego to be declared the minister both HAVING his cake and also eating said cake. Accompanied as always, by a glass of whiskey”

The most tainted party in all this is the labour party.. a relatively ugly bare faced grab for power really and if I was Helen’s grandmother I would have had a “Not for sale” sign on for this whole period.

Ghastly Peter Dunne, last seen snivelling over a cup of coffee with Don Brash gets a ministerial portfolio and the greens get well. . . a few important concessions but they aren’t in this bloody tent, which is wrong. “with friends like these ..etc”
It all leaves a very unsavory taste in my mouth, not a sweet taste either. The taste of betrayal perhaps.

This should be the beginning of a brave new era for the Greens. One without braces. also without the faint smell of marijuana smoke perhaps. The greens own bare faced grab for power should be for the young vote and to do that they need to MODERNISE. They are the party most firmly focused on the future but at the same time, there is something about them that remains quaint and rooted in the past. I am thinking of houses made from their own faeces and. . . frankly, I don’t want to. The vague quaker ‘dancing round the maypole’ air they are capable of conjuring up, must go.
Parts of their campaign this last election were a joke. The pamphlet I received in the letterbox was an embarassment. A blurry picture of what I think was a beach and a font from the middle ages. Get with the program people! Focus on environmental issues and put the marijuana issue on the back burner. It is too much of a distraction for some people (I know it affects my concentration).
For the greater good - Greenies! For the greater good.


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