Saturday, December 17, 2005

Facetious All Sorts

14th October 2005

......................................Facetious All Sorts
I have to admit, I find Tariana Turia irritating. She comes up with so much crap. (Holocaust indeed)
How can the maori party seriously entertain the idea of a coalition with National. It’s absurd. For that matter how can the National Party ponder it as well? I think their success was, to a large degree, as a result of their maori bashing.
Maybe their thinking is, that it will be easier to bash maori if they are close at hand.

Winston has survived again. But he is on a hiding to nowhere specialising in the part of the electorate that must insist on dying all the time. Eventually he will do himself out of a job.

NZ First meeting 2010

Peter Dunne has more than overstayed his welcome. He has the eyes of a shark and a small fraction of the charisma of one. His tantrums around election time were embarassing. He says;
"We are for the family" BUT
Who isn't ?

Piss off mate and be sensible elsewhere.

Peter Dunne - WHY?

In Wellington a group of inner city people are not so much opposed to families as opposed to other peoples families.

They want to stop a Child Care centre on their street, which seems a bit mean spirited and slightly strange, unless you have lived in inner city communities and know how “me” orientated they are.
In Grey Lynn , I once had a very serious fire in the kitchen of a house I lived in which almost consumed the whole house. Five fire engines came and not ONE neighbour came to see if we were alright. I am surprised the didn’t complain about the noise.
I observe that Jim Mora’s “Mucking In” show is never about an amazingly community spirited person from say - Parnell or Ponsonby.
Maybe people in these areas imagine they are considerate to their follow man, but in more city-centric ways. For instance:
- Can always be relied upon to join a mate who has been up all night, for a premature drink at SPQR.

- Will form Eco protest group with like minded mothers, with more time than money. Well, perhaps with more time and more money.

- Always ready to help when renovations are in order, with a supply of swatches, colour charts and a stack of UBIS magazines. Also will have a list of reliable workman, who don’t wank in your undies draw when you go out.

I must say I love the hypocrisy of slagging an area I have lived in most of my life, the second I am moving out. Great.

I notice that the great old leftie playwright Harold Pinter has won the Nobel prize for Literature. Good on him. I once, accidentally starred in a class production of one of his plays. I had volunteered to understudy for the main character, mainly because I thought it meant I didn’t have to do anything. Then the bloody guy got sick. I had to go on woefully under prepared and I think it is safe to say, I ruined the whole play.
I remember one scene where I had to pull my glasses off to reveal my blind eyes and say something like;
“Vitriol did this to me!“
but just before I was about to remove the specs, I leant forward and the bloody glasses fell off. So, stupidly I put them back on before pulling them off again. There was a huge outbreak of laughter.
Unfortunately most of it was from me.
When I restarted I improvised saying “being pitifully blind and all..” causing more hilarity. Needless to say my english teacher was less than impressed I had turned Pinters trenchant social comment into farce.

Speaking of farces hasn’t the handling of the Judy Bailey thing been a fiasco. I cant believe the head of TVNZ appeared on his own channel talking about how crap they are. Insane. They out rate TV3 massively, do they really need to emphasise where they are falling behind? It’s about time whoever hires and fires at an executive level, looks at Ralston and Fraser. They have steered (I’m sorry but everyone else seems intent on maintaining the ship coomparison, so I might as well jump onboard) the Newsroom from one disaster to the next.
When they seem to be in placid waters captain Fraser must yell to first mate Ralston.
“Bit boring here my lad see if ya can find us some rocks”
“Aye captain! rocks ahead. ”
“change course Billy Boy! and jettison some bloody good crew while were at it”
“throw them to the sharks Captain?”
“No. Throw them in . . .and we’ll have them eaten by our own sharks!”

Since Bill Ralston has taken over they have simply gone steadily downhill. The 7pm slot is important because it leads on into prime time viewing and at one time the state broadcaster OWNED that slot, now look at it.

I know it’s stating the obvious but the new NZ celebrity idol shows, really set a new low for local product.
Who cares? Who are they? Wheres the remote?
I dont think their families would even watch it. Cant we just be mature as a nation and face the fact that we only have one celebrity - Charlotte Dawson, and stop trying to create others out of the part time news girl, etc... (I cant even summon the attention to type about it).

Good news! We have gone all unconditional on the new house so I had better go and do some packing. YAY!
next weeks despatch will be from the paint face. elbow grease alert!


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